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Sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn is a variety able to grow in harsh conditions. It is a plant with excellent resistance to unfavourable weather and soil conditions (it has a capacity to retain atmospheric nitrogen). Wild-grown sea buckthorns are planted even on landfills and along the seaside.

Fruit varieties (with higher yields and better quality of fruits) are extremely rich in nutrients and health-promoting ingredients. On a larger scale, fruits are used in pharmaceutic and food industry.

Sea buckthorn has been cultivated for its fruits since ancient times. It grows on territories from Syberia to Turkey. Most often, the plant grows as a shrub, frequently with a lot of root suckers. Usually it reaches a height from 3 to several metres. It is dioecious which means that at least one male individual is requiered to produce fruits.

Interesting fact: oil extracted from sea buckthorn fruits was used to treat patients after Chernobyl disaster.